The Fashionable

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Powerful Tips for the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan by Tawfique Chowdhury

1.    Do not let your ‘performance’ until now affect your last 10 days.
The moment of forgiveness could be today or anytime in the coming days! It is not all lost! If you sincerely wish it could have been better – Chin up and get ready to make it your best yet! Start with a positive, sincere intention!
2.    Today, take a little time to read the Tafseer of Surah al-Qadr to understand what actually happens this night! You will feel its power and greatness so much more!
3.    Do not wait for the 27th Night to give it your “all”. The entire last 10 days should be your target. Stay up each night! Would you want to miss Laylatul Qadr even “by chance”?
Thursday 25 July 2013

Pray Before You Are Prayed Upon

Had to share this. Thought provoking. Enjoy.

Do you pray ?? NO….WHY ?????
                                   The elderly have not abandoned it

                                        Women have not abandoned it